22 October 2011

ACHOO from Europe!

I am having the best time here in Europe even though Ute and I, have both caught a little cold. We have been sneezing and sniffling - ACHOOOO!

In Sevilla we had 40°c and here in Germany about 35°c less .... it's very chilly. I may need to buy a nice warm yellow scarf or woollen hat to keep warm.

Last weekend in Sevilla, Spain I attended the Spanish OI Congress of AHUCE.  I spent lots of time with my good buddy Raffa and met so many other new and old friends.

Look how many new friends I made this day! We had such a wonderful time together and I have learned so much. 

I can't wait to see all their creative ideas for celebrating Wishbone Day 2012. I am sure it will be the best and biggest Wishbone Day EVER!

Just the other day I learned about the new Wishbone Day Soccer team in Gran Canaria (Canary Islands).  

Look how awesome they look in their bright Wishbone Day yellow uniforms! I will write more about them soon so watch for updates on my latest news.

Tomorrow I will visit a small OI meeting in Germany. I am looking forward to meeting many more beautiful friends.

In December, I have been invited to cross the big ocean to visit the Latin American OI Congress in Quito/Ecuador!  I am so excited for this part of my trip.  I can't wait to meet my friends from Ecuador!  

From Ecuador my friends have suggested that I visit Peru and then go to Mexico! I am not sure who will be my travel buddy, so please let me know if you can help me with my travels to Peru and Mexico!
I am having such a great time here.  It is so very beautiful!  

Best wishes and many greetings for now,

19 October 2011

A visit to Omaha

I'm not sure how this post got missed.  I think it must have got caught up in my luggage while I was travelling from country to county. My apologies for the very late UPDATE!

Before I flew to Germany and Spain, I spent four lovely weeks in the USA.  I had planned on going to Camp Attitude where so many of my good friends and OI family visit each year but unfortunately my flight from Australia was delayed and I was one day too late to travel with my buddies to camp.  I was thrilled that my friends made up for me not being there in person by adding me in spirit to their activities. 

Here is Aubrey with Wishbone Day face-paint and Avery, Alexi, Lexi, Robbie and Halle with a picture of me made in the snow. What fun!

Next, I travelled to Omaha with Avery and Mary to visit with Dr Esposito at the OI Clinic. I was so excited to finally meet all the staff, kids and families that visited. Jennifer had posted me a note way back in May inviting me to Omaha, so I was very excited to finally be here! I met many great friends and had such a fun time.

Avery even gave me a ride on his wagon!  Woooo!!

Mary reminded us that we should do a Wishbone Day clip to add to the next Wishbone Day promo video. Jonathon and Dr Esposito practiced their lines:  Why is Wishbone Day Important?  Because awareness makes a difference!  

It was so funny when Dr Esposito forgot his line! Oh NO!!  He better practice lots before Wishbone Day 2012!  

Next time you visit Dr Esposito at Omaha be sure to ask him: Why is Wishbone Day important?  and if he forgets, remind him - Because awareness makes a difference! 

Remember to send in your Why is Wishbone Day important? 10 second video clip to add to the promo video.  If you haven't already sent your video - do it soon!  Need a reminder?  Click here

I'll be back in the USA soon so if you can put me up for a few nights, let me know.  Leave me a comment or send me an email to wishy@wishboneday.com

Did you know ... that I have my very own personal Facebook page?  I use it to share my big adventure - how exciting!  I'd love for you to say hi to me there!.  Kids, you may have to help your Mum or Dad with Facebook because they probably wont have their own :-)

Don't be shy, say hi!!

15 October 2011

Adventure in Europe

My adventure in Europe has been fantastic so far! I love it here!!

I attended the OIFE's19th annual meeting and then the really exciting Scientific Conference in Dubrovnik, Croatia.  I've met many new friends who are planning Wishbone Day events for 2012.  I really think that Wishbone Day 2012 will be the best we've ever had! Thank you Ute from OIFE for introducing me to so many wonderful friends.

On Thursday I arrived in Sevilla, Spain. I am visiting at the OI-Congress of OIFE's Spanish member organisation. I am so excited to be spending time with my friends from Spain. 'Did you know' that when Wishbone Day first started in 2010, Spain was our first group of friends outside of Australia to translate Wishbone Day into another language other than English?  

This is me with Rafa, who has helped so much with Wishbone Day in Spain! Thank you Rafa!!

Next week I will visit with friends in Germany and then in December, I'm off to Quito, Ecuador!  Maria Barbero and Oliver Semler, a paediatrician from Cologne University Clinic for Children will be my hosts and travel buddies. Together we will attend the second Latin American OI Congress in Quito, Ecuador.

My friends back in Australia have told me that Dr Kate Armstrong from CLAN and A/Prof Craig Munns from the Childrens Hospital at Westmead were awesome at the presentation with Rotary Dee Why Warringah on Tuesday night (11 October).  I am so excited that soon friends in Vietnam will join our global OI family and will be celebrating Wishbone Day in 2012.

If you'd like to be my host where you live, please let me know through my Facebook page! or email Jo and I will do my very best to get there!

07 October 2011

Next stop Spain!

I arrived safely in Germany and met up with my travel buddy Ute from OIFE. We travelled together to the OIFE conference in Dubrovnik, Croatia where I met some wonderful new friends including friends all the way from Australia, Helen Keogh and Professor David Silence! Can you see me in the photo below?  I'm sitting with my new friend Terese from Sweden!

After the OIFE conference, I was so excited to be invited to join the 11th International Conference on OI! It is such an exciting time to be meeting so many amazing new friends and learning of all the awesome Wishbone Day ideas being planned for 2012.  Awareness really does make a difference!

Delegates from the 2011 OIFE Conference, Dubrovnik Croatia

I have just heard that there will be an OI conference for the first time in Mexico in January 2012. So, I am going to try and get to that one. Is there anyone who can put me up for a few days in Mexico? I need a travel buddy!  Please leave me a comment or email me on wishy@wishboneday.com if you're keen to be my travel buddy in Mexico!  

I have also heard about the exciting news that our friends in Vietnam will soon be launching their OI Club.  I can't wait to hear all about their first meeting in November!  Maybe I could visit Vietnam sometime soon!!

Ute was worried that I might be getting homesick.  But no, I'm having far too much fun to be homesick! Soon I will say good bye to Croatia and head to Spain for the Congress on OI in Sevilla and will meet more OI family and friends!  

I can't wait!  Spain here I come!!