19 October 2011

A visit to Omaha

I'm not sure how this post got missed.  I think it must have got caught up in my luggage while I was travelling from country to county. My apologies for the very late UPDATE!

Before I flew to Germany and Spain, I spent four lovely weeks in the USA.  I had planned on going to Camp Attitude where so many of my good friends and OI family visit each year but unfortunately my flight from Australia was delayed and I was one day too late to travel with my buddies to camp.  I was thrilled that my friends made up for me not being there in person by adding me in spirit to their activities. 

Here is Aubrey with Wishbone Day face-paint and Avery, Alexi, Lexi, Robbie and Halle with a picture of me made in the snow. What fun!

Next, I travelled to Omaha with Avery and Mary to visit with Dr Esposito at the OI Clinic. I was so excited to finally meet all the staff, kids and families that visited. Jennifer had posted me a note way back in May inviting me to Omaha, so I was very excited to finally be here! I met many great friends and had such a fun time.

Avery even gave me a ride on his wagon!  Woooo!!

Mary reminded us that we should do a Wishbone Day clip to add to the next Wishbone Day promo video. Jonathon and Dr Esposito practiced their lines:  Why is Wishbone Day Important?  Because awareness makes a difference!  

It was so funny when Dr Esposito forgot his line! Oh NO!!  He better practice lots before Wishbone Day 2012!  

Next time you visit Dr Esposito at Omaha be sure to ask him: Why is Wishbone Day important?  and if he forgets, remind him - Because awareness makes a difference! 

Remember to send in your Why is Wishbone Day important? 10 second video clip to add to the promo video.  If you haven't already sent your video - do it soon!  Need a reminder?  Click here

I'll be back in the USA soon so if you can put me up for a few nights, let me know.  Leave me a comment or send me an email to wishy@wishboneday.com

Did you know ... that I have my very own personal Facebook page?  I use it to share my big adventure - how exciting!  I'd love for you to say hi to me there!.  Kids, you may have to help your Mum or Dad with Facebook because they probably wont have their own :-)

Don't be shy, say hi!!

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