This young scientist is going places and we can't wait to hear all about it! Well done Kayte!!
Article by
Pendleton Post, Amanda Matlock, Staff writer, Pendleton
Inspired by personal struggles, EES student raises awareness of bone disorder
East Elementary School fifth-grader Kayte Hoppes didn’t have to look very far to come up with an idea for her science fair project. But now that project — which earned a top 10 points total at regionals — is taking her places and opening up a whole new world to her curious eyes. Kayte, who has a degenerative bone disorder, decided she wanted to take a look at chicken bones and how they could be manipulated. Kayte will get the chance to compete with her project at a state level science fair competition March 31 at IUPUI in Indianapolis. “I am very excited and I can’t believe I get to go,” Kayte said. “I can’t wait.”