30 April 2012

6 Days to go! and the launch of our Why is Wishbone Day Important Poster Series!

Over the next few days Wishbone Day will release the 'Why is Wishbone Day important?' poster series to show why awareness makes a difference.

The posters are of real people, telling real stories.
Share them. Because awareness makes a difference!

Are you ready for the largest community awareness day ever for Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI or brittle bones)?  

The 'Why is Wishbone Day important?' poster series show why awareness makes a difference. 
The posters are from real people, telling real stories. 
Share them. Because awareness makes a difference!

Why is Wishbone Day important? Because awareness makes a difference!

The 'Why is Wishbone Day important?' poster series show why awareness makes a difference. 
The posters are from real people, telling real stories. 
Share them. Because awareness makes a difference!

29 April 2012

Why will you be wearing yellow on Wishbone Day?

Last week our friend Sandy over at The Perfectly Imperfecta Blog shared her own reasons for why she will be wearing yellow on May 6th. Sandy asked us the question ... "why not ask others to write a quick sentence about why they are choosing to wear yellow?"

Click here to read  Sandy's blog post why she will be wearing yellow on Wishbone Day

So now, we're asking you!   

"Why will you be wearing yellow and raising awareness on Wishbone Day"? 

Comment below or send us your response via email

We'll make a list to share with you.

Happy Wishbone Day!

28 April 2012

We think Jessie J is on to something

Check out this video to see what Jessie J (feat B.o.B) and WIshbone Day have in common!

It is only 9 days until the LARGEST community awareness day ever!  for OI - Wishbone Day!  This is a party not to be missed.  Get your yellow on!

27 April 2012

How to share your Wishbone Day photos

This year we're making it SUPER easy for you to share your Wishbone Day photos.

1. Already sharing through Facebook?

Follow Wishbone Day on Facebook so you can tag Wishbone Day in the photos you want to share with us.

People will be able to view a tagged Wishbone Day photo on our Page if they are already able to see it based on its privacy setting. Tagging Wishbone Day in a photo doesn’t change the privacy setting for that photo so be sure to update the privacy settings to public view for your photo or album. If you cant see your photo on our page, we wont see it either. Check your privacy settings.

By tagging Wishbone Day on our public Facebook site you'll be granting permission for Wishbone Day to select those photos for use in the Wishbone Day 2012 video.

2. Upload your photos to your own photo hosting site:

You can upload your photos to your own hosting site ie. Photobucket, Picsaweb, Flikr or DropBox and give Wishbone Day viewing and download permission to your Wishbone Day folder. Permissions can be sent to photos@wishboneday.com. By giving Wishbone Day permission to view and download your image/s you'll be granting Wishbone Day permission to select those photos for use in the Wishbone Day 2012 video.

3. EMail your photo selection:

Prefer just to email.? Thats fine, email your photos direct to our Visual Media Team at photos@wishboneday.com

We cant wait to see all the amazing yellow photos from Wishbone Day 2012!  Send your photos so the world can see that OI is no show stopper!!

Are you ready?  Only 9 days to go!!

25 April 2012

Need proof that your efforts make a difference?

Have you ever wondered just how far your voice could travel?  This Wishbone Day map is proof that your efforts to raise awareness make a difference!  

Let us know what you have planned for Wishbone Day.

24 April 2012

Wishbone Day Student Project

Students in Burlington WI USA are releasing 200 yellow helium balloons prior to May 6th (so that the finder can also participate).

The yellow balloons will have information about Wishbone Day & OI attached. The cards ask the finder to report their balloon finding via email or on a designated Facebook page so that the students can track it and "see" how awareness makes a difference and how they can make an impact on society.

If you find one of these yellow balloons with a finder card be sure to let them know!

Do you have a Wishbone Day project or event you'd like to share?  Let us know.

23 April 2012

Wishbone Day Support Team 2012!!

Have you met Jen, Tracey, Christine, Maria, Heather, Rafa, Ann Marie and Craig?

2012 Wishbone Day Support Team

For the first time in Wishbone Day history there is a dynamo team helping behind the scenes!  Many people are surprised to learn that until now Wishbone Day has grown around the world without designated staff, finances or premises.

In fact Wishbone Day was launched at midnight from my dining room table.  Who would have known that that one mouse click to launch Wishbone Day into the world that night would have it ignite and unite the imaginations and passions of people across the entire world!

Today Wishbone Day is recognised on all continents of the globe and continues to grow each day.

I am delighted to have Jen, Tracey, Christine, Maria, Heather, Rafa, Ann Marie and Craig formally join the Wishbone Day team to help support Wishbone Day 2012!

Click here to see a photo and learn more about each one. Drop them an email and let them know what you have planned for Wishbone Day 2012 - 6 May. :-)

Happy Wishbone Day!

Lucas Y La Princesa / Lucas and the Princess

Rafa - our South America and Spanish Speaking Countries liaison for Wishbone Day, sent in this fantastic story about Lucas and his family ....and Her Royal Highness, the Princess of Spain.

The story is here in Spanish, with the English version following.

Antón y Lucas de las Enfermedades Raras en España
Antón y Lucas de las Enfermedades Raras en España
El 1 de marzo de 2012, en la sede del Consejo General del Poder Judicial, en el acto oficial por el día de las Enfermedades Raras, SAR la Princesa Letizia conoció a Lucas, un niño de 4 años que tiene OI.

Junto a su hermano mellizo Antón, Lucas le entregó una carta en la que le contaba que era un niño normal, que le gustaba bailar, jugar con amigos y divertirse:

"Yo no estoy enfermo, no me siento así... En el cole tengo muchos amigos y amigas a los que me encanta contarles historias.

También me encanta bailar, muevo mucho el culete y doy palmadas en la silla. Tengo muchas ganas de jugar y de aprender, de bailar, de reír y de tener muchos amigos.

Soy feliz. Por eso, cuando los mayores hablan de que tengo una enfermedad rara, no les comprendo, porque no estoy en la cama, voy al cole y no estoy triste. Y fíjese si tengo suerte, que ¡voy a conocer a una princesa de verdad!

Este año, en el día de las Enfermedades Raras, con Su Alteza Real la Princesa Letizia presidiendo el acto, Lucas y su familia hicieron una gran labor en la divulgación de la Osteogénesis Imperfecta.

Blanca, la madre de Lucas, tuvo ocasión de hablar en el acto que había organizado FEDER, la Federación Española de Enfermedades Raras:

"Lucas no iba a nacer... Su diagnóstico no llegó hasta el nacimiento... No viviría nada más que apenas unas horas, unos días, nunca más de dos años...

Y pasado mañana cumple cuatro con su hermano Antón...

Su calidad de vida sería nula, no andaría, no comería solo, no podría ir al colegio,...
Pero Lucas come solo, tiene amigos con los que juega en el colegio. Su seguimiento es impredecible, lo sabemos y no nos importa, sabemos que es difícil...

Pero tenemos la esperanza de que cada día los diagnósticos sean más fiables y precisos... Esperanza de un tratamiento efectivo y la esperanza de una cura."

Las palabras de Blanca y Lucas han tenido este año más impacto en la opinión pública que otros años, y su historia ha emocionado a todo el país.

De la noche a la mañana, Lucas se ha convertido en el "niño de cristal" más famoso de España -hemos podido ver a Lucas en periódicos, en televisión y hasta en las revistas del corazón. Pudimos verlo en el programa de Ana Rosa Quintana, el programa matutino más visto en la televisión nacional.

Cuando Blanca terminó de hablar, Lucas y Antón dijeron al mismo tiempo:
"¡Princesa, tenemos la esperanza!"

Y la princesa respondió:
"Yo seré vuestra voz".

Ese es el poder de la divulgación. Dos niños conocen a una princesa y todo el país encuentra información sobre la OI.

Igual que han hecho Lucas, Antón y su familia en España, tú también puedes dar a conocer la OI el 6 de mayo - Wishbone Day - “porque el conocimiento marca la diferencia”.

Puedes ver más páginas en las que se recogen apariciones de Lucas, Antón y sus padres en:





Click to read the English version:

22 April 2012


Tina Carter, Sophie Partridge and Anton French of www.curiousfilms.co.uk are moving beyond hung-ups and are exploring what's possible.

Watch this short film and please participate in the quick survey at the end.
What can you make possible? 

Can I buy a Wishbone Day Shirt?

I want to sell my own Wishbone Day t-shirts or promo items...

At Wishbone Day HQ we love to see your creative style shine through in homemade Wishbone Day t-shirts, posters, etc!

Making your own Wishbone Day items is a great hands-on activity to help raise awareness of OI and to bring your community together. You can download and print our Wishbone Day logo to use for your immediate family and friends.

Mass producing and then selling your items at a profit without the support of your OI Association is not in the spirit of Wishbone Day. If you want mass produced t-shirts please let us know so we can assist you to partner with an OI association nearest you. This will ensure that maximum benefit is gained and any funds raised are done so in a safe and secure manner.

Before you use the Wishbone Day name or logo be sure to read and understand the conditions of our logo.

When you make your own Wishbone Day shirts or other items please be sure to include the website url www.wishboneday.com so people know how to find us!  We want as many people as possible to learn about OI and how they can participate in Wishbone Day.

But what if ... I want to buy a Wishbone Day T-Shirt?

You can buy a ready made Wishbone Day T-shirt direct from our Wishbone Day online store.  You can choose your own style and size at our Wishbone Day online store.

The benefit to buying items from the Wishbone Day store is that your purchases (thanks to our terrific Rotary partners) will assist OI awareness and development around the world.

Last year, your online purchases helped launch and support the first OI club for families in Vietnam!  They will celebrate Wishbone Day for the first time this year!  and since the launch of their OI club in November 2011 amazing things have happened regarding awareness, access to treatment and support.  Awareness really does make a difference!

Please let us know how you plan to celebrate Wishbone Day. We want to add more bright ideas to our website to share with the world!!

Please send in your ideas and be sure to send us your photos!

21 April 2012

Wishbone Day Visual Media Projects - meet Ann Marie

Following Wishbone Day each year we have produced a video that captures Wishbone Day in all its bright yellow glory and showcases the amazing awareness raising efforts from around the world.

Ann Marie Barnes has been a long time supporter of Wishbone Day and we're excited to share with you that this year Ann Marie from Ulysses Blue will produce our Wishbone Day 2012 video.

Meet Ann Marie Barnes - Wishbone Day visual media projects 
Ann Marie Barnes is the Director and founder of Ulysses Blue; a visual media production company situated in Crows Nest, Sydney. Ann Marie has been a photographer from the moment she was able to hold a camera so brings her passion into her work each and every day. Ann Marie also has experience in cinematography and has worked on documentary and corporate film projects. She has a refreshing enthusiasm and dedication to her visual endeavours and the people she works with. Ann Marie also enjoys working with non-profit organisations. She has previously worked with PDCN (Physical Disability Council of NSW), Rosemount, Youth Off The Streets, Models of Diversity and continues to help on Wishbone Day projects.  www.ulyssesblue.com

Want to be included in the Wishbone Day 2012 video?

If you'd like your event photos to be included in the Wishbone Day 2012 video please send your photos or videos to Ann Marie at photos@wishboneday.com no later than Friday 26 May, 2012.

You must email us your photo for it to be included in the Wishbone Day 2012 video!

For best results Ann Marie has requested that you send photos in high resolution. A file size of at least 1MB if possible.  If you need more information about how to upload your photos or how to get the best quality images please email Ann Marie at photos@wishboneday.com  


  • When you send us your photos via the photos@wishboneday.com email address you are granting Wishbone Day permission to use your images in the Wishbone Day 2012 video and to including on the Wishbone Day www.wishboneday.com and our facebook fan page.
  • Your photos will never be given to others or used in any way other than to promote Wishbone Day.  
  • Your surname will never be identified with your photo.
  • Please only send us photos that you have permission to use.
  • When you send your photo please also include a note about where in the world the photo was taken.

19 April 2012

Wishbone Day on a Sunday?

This year (2012) Wishbone Day falls on a Sunday and for some people this works out perfectly. For others it makes it difficult to celebrate at school or with work colleagues.

If a Sunday Wishbone Day celebration doesn't work for you, then nominate another day!   It is ok to celebrate your Wishbone Day on a day that best suits you and your community.

If celebrating on Friday 4th May works out better for you and your community that is perfectly fine!  If celebrating later in the week is what works best then that is also fine.

Last year people nominated a day in May (usually in the week leading up too or immediately following Wishbone Day) that best suited them and their community.  You can still include your photos in our Wishbone Day video and photo page.

The official Wishbone Day will always be 6th May, but pre- and post- celebrations are warmly welcomed.  Awareness makes a difference! no matter what day it is.

Let us know what you have planned for Wishbone Day 2012.

17 April 2012

Wishbone Day 2012- what will it look like???

It's hard to believe that this is only our 3rd International awareness day for OI - Wishbone Day!

We've grown so much and spread so far. Wishbone Day has achieved so much and made 1000's of new friends along the way.

Wishbone Day 2012 will be celebrated across the world in playgroups and pre-schools, schools, universities, local and international businesses and organisations, with kids and adults of all ages, in small and large community groups. 

There will be Wishbone Day inspired t-shirts, posters, badges, hats, pins, ribbons and door hangers. Wishbone Day inspired picnic days, morning tea's, dinner parties, congress meetings, playgroups, craft sessions, information sessions, newsletter segments, TV advertising, radio broadcasts and so much more.

Just look how far we've grown. Check out this very cool BEFORE and AFTER snapshot
May 2011

What will the Wishbone Day 2012 map look like???

How will you celebrate Wishbone Day 2012?

Keep sharing Wishbone Day with the world.
We still have a lot of people to reach!

Let us know if you're not represented on the map so we can update it!

15 April 2012

Why Sandy will be wearing yellow 6 May!

Sandy - Perfectly Imperfecta
Sandy shares why she's going to be "rockin'out in yellow on May 6th"! from her blog Perfectly Imperfecta  -

Her original post is here - please let Sandy know you've read her piece through her comments. :-)

Thanks for sharing with us, Sandy!!

"In less than a month I'll be taking part in Wishbone Day - a day of international awareness for Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Obviously it's the condition that I was born with, but there are hundreds of reasons beyond myself for why I will be rockin' out in yellow on May 6th.

The point of dedicating one day or month out of the year for a special cause isn't always to look for a cure. When our Congress person or President signs an official proclamation for an Awareness Day, that piece of paper doesn't translate into more sales in shopping malls. It doesn't mean that those for whom the day is dedicated to should expect freebies or hand-outs.

What it does mean is a time to recognize, empower, advocate, educate, comfort, give -- to simply come together and acknowledge our shared experiences, and in doing so make that be the difference for someone else. It only has to start with one person.

And for me it began with you.

Somehow when I made my first blog post last May you came and found me; you read it, then you continued to read, then we got to talking and the rest is history.

You're that one person who began to help me break barriers and then when a couple hundred more came along you encouraged me to continue.

So, to get back to my reason for why I'll be wearing yellow on May 6th? You. For all the hundreds of you's: let's shine in yellow together!"

Have you got a short piece to share about
Tell us!

13 April 2012

Getting ready for Wishbone Day?

Can you believe we're roaring up through April already? Wishbone Day will be here in no time!! We thought now was a good time to talk about how you can contribute to the biggest awareness event ever for OI.

The most important thing is that Wishbone Day is not a fundraising event. Wishbone Day is all about recognising and respecting people for who they are, just the way they are!

On Wishbone Day we want you, your family and friends and most of all your community to celebrate with us. All over the world, Wishbone Day events are fun times with the purpose of raising positive awareness of OI. Through Wishbone Day celebrations we can highlight the need for better access, greater understanding and how individuals and communities can make a difference through their interactions and decisions every day. Take a look at this video to learn a little more about this idea.

video by Ulysses Blue

Be creative! Be collaborative! But most of all make it FUN!  We want the world to learn that OI is no Show Stopper!

The most exciting part of Wishbone Day is the creative and fun ways that people choose to celebrate and to raise awareness.

Last year there were many Bright Ideas for Wishbone Day including a football team,  poems and videos, ribbons and bows, things to eat, lots of awesome handmade items and t-shirts, just to name a few. Check out this Wishbone Day video for more inspiring Wishbone Day ideas!

Join our Wishbone Day challenge by bringing a creative edge to your Wishbone Day - Make it bright and beautiful! and be sure to send us your photos! Why? Because awareness makes a difference!

Do you have plans for your Wishbone Day?  Let us know by commenting below or by sending us an email