25 April 2014

It's not about the money, money, money...

The other day we posted about getting ready for Wishbone Day. We're using today's post to remind everyone why Wishbone Day is not a fundraising event.

In the video Jessie J (feat B.o.B) sings "It's not about the money, money, money. We don't want your money, money, money. We just wanna make the world dance, forget about the price tag..."

What? (I hear you say!)  No money? How can I make a difference to people living with OI?? What is this all about if you don't want the money??

We want you to use Wishbone Day and the Wishbone Day logo to promote awareness and to celebrate our lived experience of OI in all kinds of creative, fun, and exciting ways!!

You'll be amazed at what you can achieve when the focus is on promoting awareness and celebrating life instead of raising money! We were, when we first tried it!....  Magic happens!

Give it a go! and then let us know how it unfolds. We'll post your Wishbone Day stories through the Wishbone Day website for everyone to enjoy.

Ok, Ok but what if ... I still want to raise money? -  If you do want to do a fundraising event on another day, please contact your local OI Foundation or Association. We know they'd love your energy and support! If you're not sure how to contact your local OI Association check out our links page or drop us an email and we'll help you locate an OI association that can support you.

Great, but what if ... my awareness event just happens to raise some money? - We know that there are times when the natural process of awareness sometimes leads to funds being generated. Many times once people have had fun at a Wishbone Day event they naturally want to contribute further.  When this happens you should tell them that your local OI foundation would love to hear from them!  You could also make arrangements with your local OI association or contact your local rotary club to partner your event.

Rotary?  Why should I contact them?  You can learn more about how Rotary can assist the growth and development of Wishbone Day here. It is uber important to include your local Rotary when there are any monies involved.  Wishbone Day is a global event with varying laws and regulations in various countries around the world. Our Rotary partners will ensure that when funds are raised through Wishbone Day that they remain secure and are used to support legitimate and recognised OI programs worldwide.

Rotary are also one of the largest community organisations in the world so involving Rotary in as many ways as possible gives us great potential to make a difference worldwide!

Leave us a comment and let us know how your Wishbone Day event goes and don't forget to share with your family and friends!

(First published 22 April 2012)

14 April 2014

Me, Myself and OI

We asked you to share your Wishbone Day, your way. This is a fantastic example. 
Maleah asks us to spread the word and share the clip. Let's do it! Share it at school, at work or at home. Because awareness makes a difference.

Do you cast shadows or open doors?

If you think awareness isn't enough ... just ask any person living with OI (or any other person labelled with disability) what awareness means to them.

In the video below, Aimee Mullins talks about the power of words and how words shape our thinking and influence how we relate to each other.

As you watch the video, please consider what reality you want to inspire. Do you cast shadows or open doors?

Wishbone Day is an opportunity for us to challenge assumptions, alter realities and create new possibilities.  How will you use Wishbone Day to open doors?

Please email us and let us know what you have planned.
Because awareness makes a difference!

(Original post: 9 April 2012) 

Sean Stephenson -- Living the Good Life with OI!

In celebration of Wishbone Day: International OI Awareness on May 6th, 2014 Sean Stephenson will host a free educational webinar (online video class) about how to successfully navigate life with OI. On this program he will to share his personal perspective of successfully growing up and living large with OI.    
To find out more about this exciting first time event visit:  www.seanstephenson.com

09 April 2014

All Yellow Wishbone Day roads should lead to home

We're excited to see so much Wishbone Day awareness creeping across the world to raise awareness for OI ... Wishbone Day is only a couple of weeks away and this year is guaranteed to be the biggest yet!  

You can help to grow it even bigger. Keep your message simple and clear - and remember to always link your Wishbone Day messages back to Wishbone Day www.wishboneday.com/

Linking back to Wishbone Day will help us to grow a strong and united community across the world, ensure that people everywhere know how to find us and will keep Wishbone Day moving in the right direction.  

All Yellow Wishbone Day roads should lead back home

Tag us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest using @WishboneDay or #WishboneDay. 
Remember if you are using the Wishbone Day logo to check out our image conditions of use.   
You'll also find a list of OI associations around the world for more support.

Got questions? hit up the comments section below and I'll make sure I respond asap!

Happy Wishbone Day!